The Enchanted Flute af Peter Gotthardt

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The Enchanted FluteThe Fate of the Elves #4af Peter Gotthardt

A mighty enemy has arrived in the land of the Elves. He wishes to enslave everyone who lives there. If the Elves are going to survive, they will need both courage and hope.

Silktongue, the Witch, has captured Daisy and the entire army of the Elves. Evergreen and Daisy‘s mother, Veronica, are coming to set them free. But will they manage to get past all of the warriors of King Vainglorious and the magic of Silktongue?

This is the fourth and final book in the series of "The Fate of the Elves." Read all the books in the series:

The Ironclad Warriors

The Heart of Stone

The Forgotten Tombs

The Enchanted Flute

About the author

Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local libraries collections of history and adventure books.

Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
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