The Trip - A Woman s Intimate Confessions 5 af Anna Bridgwater

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The Trip - A Woman s Intimate Confessions 5af Anna Bridgwater

About the series:

"I want to tell you the story of my life. Or at least a part of my life. A part of my life which is all me, but which is hidden. My sex life. That is what I was made for. It is what I do best"

The world is full of men, and the first-person narrator in this series is a female Don Juan, who simply cannot say no. Eva loves her husband and her kids, but to her, they are not enough. Her life ceases to have meaning without the exciting feeling of a new adventure, so when the opportunity arises for an erotic experience, she takes it.

The female protagonist of the series, Eva, is inspired by a real person of flesh and blood. After conversations with this woman, the author, Anna Bridgwater, has written down her story as a testimony about the secret life she had led parallel to her everyday life with husband and kids.
Anna Bridgwater has a master‘s in Literature and is a freelance journalist and author. The series "A Woman's Intimate Confessions" is her literary debut.
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