It is shown that electromagnetic forces like gravitation can be related to variations in the metric tensor provided, time like space is three dimensional. Time coordinates are given by imaginary numbers. The 4-axes in Minkowski space represents one direction in an orthogonal coordinate system (4, 5, 6). Electrons and positrons are assumed to be tiny black holes. At the surface of a black hole the unit length of the 4-axes equals zero, and time flow is assumed to take place as rotations in the 4, 5-plane generating charge. Based on this view of electric charge classical electrodynamics is evolved, and a model of the electron is constructed. From that model Plank’s constant is estimated as a function of the speed of light, the elementary charge and Coulomb’s constant. The model unavoidably leads to quantum mechanics. It is assumed that time can flow in the 5, 6-plane between two tiny black holes, one acting as source and one as sink. From hybrids between such elements and electrons/ positrons the basic two quarks, and hence protons and neutrons, can be built up. Pairs of such source/sink elements are identified as neutrinos.
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