Arne Jacobsen af Poul Erik Tøjner

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Reissue of the bestseller about Arne Jacobsen written by Kjeld Vindum and Carsten Thau. For more than ten years, the Danish edition of the monumental book about Arne Jacobsen has been sold out. The book was immediately from its publication in 1998 an overwhelming success, with extensive consequences. Thus, the book gave rise to exhibitions around the world, such as at Louisiana (one of the museum's most visited ever), at MoMA in New York, Kunstakademie Hamburg and MoMA in Oxford. It was reviewed in newspapers from Hong Kong to New York to Los Angeles, as well as in a large number of international trade journals, just as TV broadcasts were produced in Germany, Sweden and Denmark based on the book, written by Kjeld Vindum and Carsten Thau. The book is not only about Jacobsen's life and work, but also provides an insight into and overview of one of the most fruitful periods for Danish architecture and design. Several have highlighted its status as a 'bible' for those who want to understand what was going on in this unusual era, understand the ideals and currents of the time in relation to the goals and challenges of the profession in the 20th century. 
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