Finn Juhl at the UN af Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen

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Finn Juhl at the UNA living legacyaf Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen, Karsten R. S. Ifversen, & Karsten R.S. Ifversen

In April 2013 the Thrusteeship Council Chamber in the UN-building in New York was reopened after a thorough restoration. 

Finn Juhl in the UN – a living legacy tells the story of how this piece of Danish culture came to be. About how Finn Juhl worked with the furnishing of the chamber, about the restoration and about the designduo Salto & Sigsgaard and their work with designing modern furniture for the restored chamber.
The book is written by Karsten R.S. Ifversen, author and architectural editor for the Danish newspaper Politiken, and by Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen, business historian and Finn Juhl expert. The American architect and author Michael Sheridan has written the foreword.

Finn Juhl – a living legacy is illustrated with historic illustrations and with new photos taken by Hans Ole Madsen. The book is published with funds provided by Realdania, Kulturstyrelsen and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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