Frederik IV af Jens Busck

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Frederik IVEn del af The Crown Seriesaf Jens Busck

Frederik IV reigned from 1699 until 1730. None of the other absolute monarchs in Danish history ruled in as headstrong a fashion as he did. Frederik IV took it upon himself to make as many of the realm’s decisions as possible himself, and this worked remarkably well. With the help of Tordenskjold, he brought Denmark-Norway safely through the bloody Great Northern War, which would be Denmark’s final showdown with its archenemy Sweden. In his love life, too, he was extremely headstrong; he abducted his beloved Anna Sophie Reventlow, with whom he entered into a morganatic marriage and whom he later made his Queen.The book is part of the Crown Series, a series of small books on the Danish monarchy and related subjects published in cooperation with the Royal Danish Collection. The book is written by Jens Gunni Busck.
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