50 Favourites in the SMK Collection af Camilla Jalving
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50 Favourites in the SMK Collectionaf Camilla Jalving, Birgitte Anderberg, & Anna Weile Kjær

SMK – The National Gallery of Denmark is the country’s national museum for art and home to Denmark’s largest art collection. With over 200,000 works spanning 700 years, from Renaissance prints to contemporary artistic formats, SMK holds a wealth of treasures. This book presents 50 works from the museum's collection that stand out as particularly relevant today, informed by current research, recent exhibitions, and the contemporary context in which the museum operates. The selection includes both well-known and lesser-known pieces, all marked by high artistic quality and compelling stories. Rather than exclusively highlighting the collection's masterpieces, the book offers a vibrant art history shaped by a perpetually relevant collection.
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