An Unforgettable Experience af Cupido

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An Unforgettable Experienceaf Cupido

Woman on woman. Man on man. Some people have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids by the time the thought of a girl friend suddenly makes their nipples erect, or the touch of a best mate makes their cock stiffen.

This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:t

"Her friend pulls up her skirt and sits, seemingly ready to tease. ‘I want to see you naked,’ she says." - An Intense Experience, by Nana, Holbæk.

"She was starting to feel horny as she sauntered around the public bath. In the sauna, she met another woman." - Bath Angels, by Rosa Bindi.

"A bisexual friend of hers was visiting. They were going to drink wine and watch a film about two women who fancied each other." - TV Night with a Difference, by Elin, Bergen.

"She was hot, horny, and in a celebratory mood. The doorbell rang. And there stood the gift." - The Birthday Gift, by Pandora.

"They had done this thousands of times before, lying in Mari’s big bed, talking about everything between heaven and earth." - Friends Forever, by Kari S.

CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.rn
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