Global Perspectives af Annette Dahl

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Global PerspectivesA Practical Guide to Navigating Across Culturesaf Annette Dahl

With global business expansion relying on us to work across different cultures and time zones more than ever before, we’re more likely to experience cultural misunderstandings in our global work. 
Misunderstandings occur naturally in cross-cultural collaboration, which can leave us feeling frustrated and angry, cause low productivity and can stop global teamwork in its tracks. However, managed properly, cultural differences can create drive, innovation and new perspectives. 
In ‘Global Perspectives: A Practical Guide to Navigating Across Cultures, intercultural trainer and one of Denmark’s leading experts in cross-cultural collaboration and global leadership, Annette Dahl talks about her experience of helping leaders and businesspeople everywhere develop a common language that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. 
Leaning on interviews and case stories, the book offers you an easier way to talk about cultural issues at work with your global partners, employees and colleagues. Using hands-on tools for navigating across cultures, you’ll be better prepared to deal with all kinds of situations where cultural differences are involved. 
Based on years of cultural training development, Annette Dahl provides you step-by-step guidance on how to: pay attention to differences and similarities; make a fair comparison between your own and your global colleague’s culture; and develop new perspectives for smoother cross-cultural collaboration and communication. ‘Global Perspectives: A Practical Guide to Navigating Across Cultures’ is about developing cultural awareness for business leadership in the globalized world – competencies that are essential for global success in the 21stcentury.
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