Heart of the Phoenix af Christina Ramskov

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Heart of the PhoenixHeart of the Phoenix #1af Christina Ramskov

What would you do if all the mystical creatures, you have ever heard of, turned out to be real?
Maria finds herself in the surreal situation, that all she has ever heard was fiction, truly exists. When she coincidentally puts on the Heart of the Phoenix, a magical jewel that holds humongous power, her entire life is turned upside down. Furthermore, the jewel turns out to be highly important to the magical world, which Maria is suddenly a part of.
Follow Maria as she starts her new life at Manatecus, a school where everyone appears human but can turns into werewolves, dragons, yukionna, and many other magical creatures. She is starting off as an ordinary girl, but is now a piece in an important puzzle. How will she balance her own life, as well as the balance of the magical world? Can she manage? One thing is for sure, it’s going to be an adventure.
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