Mielcke & Hurtigkarl af Ehrhorn Hummerston

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Mielcke & HurtigkarlMetamorphosisaf Ehrhorn Hummerston & Jakob Mielcke

Mielcke & Hurtigkarl - Metamorphosis

In the Royal Danish Horticultural Society’s garden at Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, you will find the restaurant Mielcke & Hurtigkarl, which has been the centre of attention for connoisseurs from all over the world for quite some time. Here Jakob Mielcke runs an extremely ambitious kitchen that does more than pleases its guests but also challenges assumptions and creates a scene where questions arises. In a new book Jakob invites readers into a world that inspires him to create gastronomy that has placed him among the world’s most creative chefs. The book “Metamorphosis” sets new standards for cooking books. Besides a wide range of recipes the book describes some of the people who regardless of craft have inspired Jakob: Fashion designer Henrik Vibskov, artist Benny Dröscher, textile designer Margrethe Odgaard, Jazz musician Jakob Bro and others in one way or another plants ideas, which Jakob transforms into breathtaking dishes. Jakob’s thoughts and the book revolve around food but both are on a level of abstraction, which speaks to everyone interested in the process of creativity. Maybe due to these thoughts, Jakob has been invited to speak at the prestigious Mesa Tendências 2013 in Brazil. The book concentrates some of the numerous impressions guests at Mielcke & Hurtigkarl will be presented with. Through words and amazingphotos the book provides a unique insight intothe inspiration, the kitchen, the garden, the historical surroundings, the decorations, the thoughts … you are even invited into the restrooms! Like the restaurant itself, the book will reveal more and more for each time you open it.

”I dine at Jakob’s to get my own dogmas shaken up and my imagination stimulated a bit. To be reminded that the world is far more than chickweed and wild garlic from a soggy forest floor”. From the preface by René Redzepi 
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i Jyllands-Posten
anmeldt af Niels Lillelund 08-11-2013
Utroligt smuk ... æstetisk gennemført


Denne kogebog fra Jakob Mielcke og Jan Hurtigkarl er så 'utroligt smuk og æstetisk gennemført' at der næppe er mange, der vil nænne at fedte den til i køkkenet. Det er i øvrigt også de færreste, der 'vil mestre Mielckes forfinede retter, men smukt er det.' [Kort referat]