Quiet Please-We´re Coloring Aarhus af Stine Reintoft

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Quiet Please-We´re Coloring Aarhusaf Stine Reintoft

Quiet please – we’re colouring
Drawing has always been my greatest pleasure. Never has a day gone by, when I haven’t wanted to draw, concentrate on the work and take a break into the universe of the colours. I believe I have received this sensation from my grand father, Paul Kastrup, who was painter.
With this colouring book I would like to pass on the passion, and I hope that you will have cosy and quiet hours while colouring the illustrations. It’s my hope to inspire men as well as women with this book.
For those of you who want to share the coloured illustrations, you are most welcome to show your work on the facebook and instagram profiles – you’ll fnd more information in the book.
So go ahead and create your own colour universe.
By Stine Reintoft, January 2017
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