The Dissent of Annie Lang af Ros Franey

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The Dissent of Annie Langaf Ros Franey

"My story starts and ends at railway stations, though of course I can’t know this yet as I clamber off the boat-train at Victoria that warm May afternoon..."

Growing up in a strict religious family in the 1920s, Annie Lang is witness to disturbing events that no one will explain. Only the family dog may know the answers.

Six years on, student Annie returns from France to find her beloved brother in a mental hospital and her ally, the Sunday school teacher, vanished without trace. With the help of her childhood diary, and sister Beatrice, Annie turns detective to unearth the truth.

Her journey leads to a discovery so disturbing that she believes it will ruin all their lives, unless they can atone for the past.

Ros Franey beautifully captures that point when a child can sense, and indeed dissent against, secrets that adults think they are too young to grasp. Impulsive, brave and lovable, Annie Lang is formidable when she takes matters into her own hands.

"The stamp of real talent and a writer who has a genuine feel for her craft"
- The Times.
Ros Franey grew up in Nottingham where this book is set. She is a maker of award-winning documentaries. Two films about the Guildford 4 and the book she co-authored, Timebomb, contributed to the quashing of their case.
This is her second novel; her first, Cry Baby, received excellent reviews. She lives in Camden, North London.
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