The Rocket Book af Peter Newell

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The Rocket Bookaf Peter Newell

Watch out! A rocket, set off by the janitor’s naughty son down in the basement, interrupts everyone’s day and cases some pretty strange situations, as it passes through twenty floors of apartments. Peter Newell’s’s own delightful illustrations fill the pages of the classic "The Rocket Book", which was one of the earliest ‘picture books’. This first edition from 1912 is guaranteed to still entertain both young and old.
Peter Newell (1862-1924) was an American artist, author and illustrator of children’s books. Creating his own picture books, such as "The Hole Book" and "The Slant Book", he also illustrated first editions of books by authors such as Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, John Kendrick Bangs, and Lewis Carroll.
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