Wastewater Treatment af Jes la Cour Jansen
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Wastewater TreatmentBiological and Chemical Processesaf Jes la Cour Jansen, Mogens Henze m. fl.

Wastewater Treatment – Biological and Chemical processes is now out in a new and revised fifth edition. The revision was motivated by the widespread use of the book as a reference in scientific publications and reports. 

It is also widely used as a highly recommended textbook at advanced wastewater courses at universities and companies throughout the world. It is a basis for process understanding, design, optimization of operation and as a guide for troubleshooting for advanced wastewater operators at municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. 

Today, there is massive information on all kinds of topics on the Internet, including wastewater treatment. This makes it even more important for a book like this to exist, crystallizing as it does the important basic scientific knowledge on treatment mechanisms and design. At the same time, this maxim still applies: there is nothing as practical as a good theory! 

Table of content:
Preface Introduction 1. Wastewater, Volumes and Composition 1.1. The volumes of wastewater 1.1.1. Measurements 1.1.2. Estimates 1.1.3. Population Equivalent and Person Load 1.2. Wastewater components 1.2.1. Domestic wastewater/municipal wastewater 1.2.2. Variations References 2. Characterization of Wastewater and Biomass 2.1. Suspended solids 2.2. Organic matter 2.3. Nitrogen 2.4. Phosphorus 2.5. Alkalinity (TAL) 2.6. Sludge volume index (SVI) 2.7. Respiration rate of sludge / References 3. Basic Biological Processes 3.1. The biology in biological treatment plants 3.1.1. The organisms 3.1.2. Selection 3.2. Conversions in biological treatment plants 3.2.1. Biological growth 3.2.2. Hydrolysis 3.2.3. Decay 3.2.4. Storage 3.3. Aerobic, heterotrophic conversion of organic matter 3.3.1. Reactions, aerobic heterotrophic conversions 3.3.2. Yield constant, aerobic heterotrophic conversions 3.3.3. Nutrients, aerobic heterotrophic conversions 3.3.4. Kinetics, aerobic heterotrophic conversions 3.3.5. Heterotrophic microorganisms, aerobic heterotrophic conversions 3.3.6. The influence of environmental factors, aerobic heterotrophic conversions 3.3.7. Reaction rate constants, aerobic heterotrophic conversions / Content 3.4. Processes for nitrogen removal 3.5. Nitrification 3.5.1. Nitrification reactions 3.5.2. Alkalinity 3.5.3. Kinetics, nitrification 3.5.4. The influence of environmental factors on nitrification 3.6. Denitrification 3.6.1. Denitrification reactions 3.6.2. Yield constant by denitrification 3.6.3. Nutrients, denitrification 3.6.4. Alkalinity 3.6.5. Kinetics, denitrification 3.6.6. The influence of environmental factors, denitrification 3.7. Biological phosphorus removal 3.7.1. Microorganisms 3.7.2. Reactions, biological phosphorus removal 3.7.3. Yield constant, biological phosphorus removal 3.7.4. Alkalinity 3.7.5. Kinetics, biological phosphorus removal 3.7.6. Environmental factors, biological phosphorus removal 3.8. Anaerobic processes 3.8.1. Strictly anaerobic processes 3.8.2. Reactions, anaerobic processes 3.8.3. Growth and soluble COD yield constants, anaerobic processes 3.8.4. Nutrients, anaerobic processes 3.8.5. Alkalinity, anaerobic processes 3.8.6. Kinetics, anaerobic processes 3.8.7. Gas production, anaerobic processes 3.8.8. The influence of environmental factors, anaerobic processes 3.9. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) 3.9.1. Microorganisms 3.9.2 Reactions, anaerobic ammonium oxidation 3.9.3. Yield constant, anaerobic ammonium oxidation 3.9.4. Alkalinity 3.9.5. Kinetics, anaerobic ammonium oxidation 3.9.6. Environmental factors, anaerobic ammonium oxidation 3.9.7. Competing conditions for anaerobic ammonium oxidation / References 4. Activated Sludge Treatment Plants 4.1. Mass balances, activated sludge plants 4.2. Concepts and definitions of the activated sludge process 4.3. Types of plants, activated sludge plants 4.3.1. Activated sludge with recycle 4.3.2. Single tank activated sludge plants 4.3.3. Contact stabilization plants 4.3.4. Biosorption plants 4.3.5. Design of activated sludge processes 4.3.6. Design by means of volumetric loading 4.3.7. Design by means of sludge loading or sludge age 4.3.8. Computer-aided process design / References 5. Biofilters 5.1. Biofilm kinetics 5.1.1. First-order reaction inside biofilm 5.1.2. Zero-order reaction inside biofilm 5.1.3. Summary – kinetics 5.2. Biofilm kinetic parameters 5.3. Hydraulic film diffusion 5.3.1. Kinetic expressions 5.3.2. Is hydraulic film diffusion important? 5.4. Two-component diffusion 5.4.1. Oxidant 5.4.2. Reductant 5.4.3. Is the oxidant or reductant limiting? 5.5. Filter kinetics 5.5.1. Ideally mixed reactors 5.5.2. Plug flow reactors 5.6. Mass balances for biofilters 5.6.1. Biofilters without recycle 5.6.2. Biofilters with recycle 5.7. Concepts and definitions 5.8. Types of plants 5.8.1. Trickling filters 5.8.2. Submerged filters 5.8.3. Rotating biological contactors 5.9. Design of biofilters 5.9.1. Design of trickling filters 5.9.2. Design of rotating biological contactors (RBCs) 5.9.3. Design of biofilters for dissolved organic matter 5.10. Operational aspects of biofilters 5.10.1. Aeration in biofilters 5.10.2. Growth and sloughing off of the biofilm 5.11. Removal of particulate organic matter / References 6. Treatment Plants for Nitrification 6.1. Mass balances, nitrifying plants 6.1.1. Separate nitrifying plants 6.1.2. Combined removal of organic matter and ammonium 6.2. Types of plants for nitrification 6.2.1. Nitrification plants with separate sludge 6.2.2. Single sludge nitrification plants 6.2.3. Nitrification in two sludge treatment systems 6.2.4. Nitrification plants with separate sludge in filters 6.2.5. Two sludge nitrification plants in filters 6.2.6. Combined biofilters and activated sludge treatment plants for nitrification 6.3. Design of nitrifying plants 6.3.1. Design of activated sludge treatment plants for nitrification 6.3.2. Optimizing operation of nitrifying plants 6.3.3. Design of biofilters for nitrification / References 7. Treatment Plants for Denitrification 7.1. Mass balances, denitrifying treatment plants 7.1.1. Separate denitrifying plants 7.1.2. Combined nitrification and denitrification 7.2. Types of plants for denitrification 7.2.1. Denitrification plants with separate sludge 7.2.2. Denitrification plants with combined sludge 7.2.3. Biofilters for denitrification 7.3. Design of denitrifying plants 7.3.1. C/N ratio 7.3.2. Oxygen/stirring 7.3.3. Simultaneous nitrification-denitrification 7.3.4. Nitrogen gas in settling tanks and biofilters 7.3.5. Oxygen consumption 7.3.6. Alkalinity 7.3.7. Design of activated sludge plants with denitrification 7.3.8. Model based process design 7.3.9. Design of biofilters for denitrification / References 8. Treatments Plants for Biological Phosphorus Removal 8.1. Mass balances, biological phosphorus removal plants with activated sludge 8.2. Plant types, biological phosphorus removal 8.2.1. Biological phosphorus removal with nitrificationdenitrification and an internal carbon source 8.2.2. Biological phosphorus removal with nitrificationdenitrification and an external carbon source 8.2.3. Biological phosphorus removal with internally produced easily degradable organic matter 8.2.4. Biological phosphorus removal without nitrificationdenitrification 8.3. Design of biological phosphorus removal 8.3.1. Easily degradable organic matter 8.3.2. Design of tanks for biological phosphorus removal /References 9. Hydrolysis-acid production, Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment, Ammonium Oxidation 9.1. Hydrolysis-acid production 9.2. Anaerobic wastewater treatment 9.2.1. Introduction 289 9.2.2. Mass balances, anaerobic plants 9.3. Plant types, anaerobic processes 9.3.1. Pretreatment of wastewater, anaerobic plants 9.3.2. Plants with suspended sludge 9.3.3. Anaerobic filter processes 9.4. Design of anaerobic plants 9.4.1. Design of plants with suspended sludge 9.4.2. Design of anaerobic filter plants 9.4.3. Gas production, anaerobic processes 9.4.4. Optimization, anaerobic plants 9.4.5. Start-up, anaerobic plants 9.4.6. Disturbances, anaerobic plants 9.5. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation 9.5.1. Introduction 9.5.2. Mass balances, anaerobic ammonium oxidation 9.5.3. Plant types, combined nitritation and anammox 9.5.4. Design of plants with combined nitritation anammox 9.5.5. Optimization of plants with combined nitritation and anammox / References 10. Treatment Plants for Chemical Phosphorus Removal 10.1. Mass balances for phosphorus removal processes 10.2. Mechanisms for chemical/physical phosphorus removal 10.2.1. Precipitation 10.2.2. Coagulation 10.2.3. Flocculation 10.2.4. Phosphorus binding in soil 10.3. Treatment plants for phosphorus removal 10.3.1. Precipitants 10.3.2. Treatment processes 10.4. Design of plants for phosphorus removal 10.4.1. Chemical precipitation 10.4.2. Phosphorus binding in soil 10.5. Operational problems in phosphorus removal plants 10.6. Phosphorus recovery and reuse / References 11. Removal of organic micropollutants 11.1. Organic micropollutants in wastewater 11.2. Compound properties determining removal mechanism 11.2.1. Sorption 11.2.2. Volatilization 11.2.3. Biological removal 11.3. Removal affected by intrinsic OMP properties 11.3.1. Activated sludge plants 11.3.2. Biofilters 11.3.3. OMP removal in sludge treatment 11.4. Enhanced removal of OMP / References List of Symbols Index
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