Managing Science: A Practical Guide af Torben Falck Ørntoft

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Managing Science: A Practical Guideaf Torben Falck Ørntoft

A straightforward and personal guide to managingand organizing small and large research groups

MANAGING SCIENCE: A Practical Guide aims to contribute specific advice and lived experience to all leaders of research projects. The book touches on the most important steps in the research process, and it covers, among other things, how to develop the best ideas, generate hypotheses, apply for funding, hire the most competent employees, and publish successful articles. In addition, the book presents different approaches to leadership and organising both small and large research groups.

In this book, writer and researcher Torben F. Ørntoft has interviewed 18 successful professorsand research leaders from Denmark, England, Finland, and Sweden who have contributed their input on the structure and management of the ideal research group. Additionally, Ørntoft has drawn on his own experience as a leader of a large Danish research group.

Torben F. Ørntoft, M.D.-Ph.D. (born 1953) is specialised in clinical biochemistry. From 1996-2017, he was chief physician and head of department at Aarhus University Hospital, first for The Department of Clinical Biochemistry, and then for The Department of Molecular Medicine. He became a Professor of Molecular Medicine at Aarhus University in 1999.
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