WHILE WE BLEED - English version af Jan Grarup

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WHILE WE BLEED - English versionaf Jan Grarup

The war in Ukraine is the largest war Europe has seen since 1945. War photographer Jan Grarup and journalist/historian Adam Holm have documented the bloody struggle of the Ukrainians, in both the hinterland and on the front lines of eastern Ukraine (Zaporizjza, Donbas and Kharkiv). 

Through photography and reportage, they paint a picture of a country where death reaps its harvest daily. A country in which the fear of impending nuclear war is real and where an entire generation of children and adolescents carry iodine tablets and receive schooling inside basements and bunkers.

The limited edition comes with a clothbound clamshell boxset, incl. a signed art-print and a piece of shrapnel from the war. The books will be editioned and signed by the photographer and the author.

Paper: 150 gr. fedrigoni tatami white, 100 gr. Tauro offset
Binding: clothbound and foil stamped hardback
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