My journey with MS af Susanne Christensen
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My journey with MSaf Susanne Christensen

The author sometimes provokes her fellow humans by saying that it was perfect she got Multiple Sclerosis (MS) so she had to stop and think carefully and find new depths of life. Otherwise, she had probably continued her former comfortable life in Denmark, but the disease made it necessary for her to make some alternative choices. She chose to seek insight in her loving India, where they have a different view of MS - and of life. She became so excited about the old Indian health system Ayurveda, yoga, meditation and healthy food, that she returned to Ayurvedic and similar retreats in India and Sri Lanka, totally for preliminary 15 times. She writes in an enthusiastic, funny and positive way about all those retreats, a lot about yoga and how she has managed the disease. It’s a very colorful and happy book, a small gem of positive thinking.
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