Skrifter fra Forskningscenter for Miljø- og Sundhedsundervisning af Bjarne Bruun Jensen
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Skrifter fra Forskningscenter for Miljø- og SundhedsundervisningInternational contributionsaf Bjarne Bruun Jensen, Jens Kofoed m. fl.


Searching for Meaning in Children's Participation in Environmental Education
- Paul Hart

Exploring Student Participation within Health Education and Health Promoting Schools
- Venka Simovska

Education for a Sustainable Consumption: Towards a Framework for Curriculum and Pedagogy
- John Fien

Issues Arising from a Meta-Analysis of EU-funded Environmental Education Projects
- William Scott, Bjarne Bruun Jensen & Mariana Pereira

Action Competence, Social Capital and the Health Promoting School
- Derek Colquhoun

Action Competence as a Curriculum Perspective
- Karsten Schnack

Process-based Environmental Education Seeking Standards without Standardizing
- Arjen E.J. Wals & Bob Jickling

Sustainable Development, Environmental Education and Action Competence
- Søren Breiting

A Comparison of Different Approaches to Health Education - some Reflections on the Role of Health Education in Relation to Inequity in Health
- Jörgen Svedbom

Embodiment and Action Competence
- Philip Payne

Conditions for Developing Democracy, Action Competence and Environmental Education in a Country under Transition Experiences from Hungary
- Eva Csobod

Participation, Commitment and Knowledge as Components of Pupil's Action Competence
- Bjarne Bruun Jensen

Participatory Evaluation in Health Education
- Monica Carlsson

The Significance of Systems Thinking to Environmental Education, Health Education and Beyond
- Stephen Sterling

University Students' Learning in Environmental Science in a Course Organised as PBL
- Margareta Ekborg

Lifelong Learning: Towards a theory of Practice for Formal and Non-Formal Environmental Education and Training
- Stephen Gough, Kim Walker, William Scott
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